Market Magnet and the Private Sale Revolution
Since Market Magnet began we’ve met many private sale vendors around New Zealand looking to take on the sometimes daunting challenge of selling their own home. Many vendors want to do the same but lack the confidence to get it right and reach the buyer market and instead give into the pressure of paying heavy commissions on their biggest asset.You see, for many property sellers the reality is that this could be the only time they ever get to sell their home. Do you really want to give tens of thousands of dollars which you have earned to a real estate agent for an introduction? It’s often an unthinkable amount of money and if this sounds familiar and you are thinking of selling then we have the solution you have been looking for. It’s Market Magnet.
Market Magnet utilises a unique system for private sale vendors to help them and their property gain a greater market share and grab the attention of buyers over competing properties. Plus you will have a supportive, property minded, personable team backing your success every step. That’s why we formed Market Magnet – to elevate vendors so you can empower yourself with marketing tools that even some of the real estate agents aren’t executing well. It doesn’t have to be difficult or stressful when you have the right marketing team backing your success all the way.