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New Tax Rates Budget Updates

The New Zealand government has unveiled its 2024 Budget with a core election promise delivered regarding tax relief of $2.57b through bracket adjustments.With an adjustment to income brackets, tax rates remain the same but the thresholds are raised. Here at JBM we have been pushing for the tax brackets to be moved from the moment we started. The Government pushing inflation, then raising wages without moving tax brackets was the equivalent of theft in our opinion so we are glad there is som...

June 3, 2024

Do you review your financials? You should!

Making time to look over your financial reports each month is an important task for any business owner. If you are not taking the time to do this, either because you’re too busy, or perhaps you don’t really understand what you’re looking at and it doesn’t make sense to you, then here are 6 reasons we recommend that you should start to. But before we get our 6 reasons, let’s talk very quickly about which reports to look at. At a bare minimum, and depending on the complexity of your busi...

August 6, 2020

COVID-19 Government Support

The Government has stepped up to assist employees by providing a wage subsidy scheme for which all employers can apply. Provided they meet certain conditions, employers can receive $585.80 for employees working 20 hours or more per week, and $350.00 for employees working less than 20 hours per week, paid as a lump sum covering 12 weeks per employee. Since its announcement, the scheme has gone through several iterations. Broadly though, these key criteria have remained constant: Your business mus...

April 16, 2020


It's a common scenario we find. Asking for a receipt or invoice that is either misplaced or lost within the never ending storage system we call the "handbag".Or the annoying accountant when you get to year end is asking you for hundreds of invoices and bank statements to validate your information? With Hubdoc you can completely remove the hassle. Take pictures of invoices or simply send them to your customised email, link your suppliers to your hubdoc account and let them fetch it without you ha...

October 24, 2019

Working from home and like free money?

If you have a home office for your business, you should be able to claim some of the running costs. It’s important to be aware of what you can and can’t claim, and the record-keeping involved in making a claim. However the IRD also know this and have this year released a new way to claim Home Office costs even for those who hate keeping records!How does it work?In order to claim, the space you use must be used primarily for your business. This doesn’t mean setting up at the kitchen table f...

September 11, 2019

The importance of tax planning for cashflow

Paying tax is something you’re likely to see as a necessary (but not hugely enjoyable) part of running your business. But are you doing enough to plan your own personal tax liabilities?Tax is often the last thing on someones mind when they sign a new client or make a big deal. Even your side hustle can cause issues when you have not considered saving the money earned at the time.Planning ahead when it comes to taxBy taking a forward-looking approach to your own personal finances, and working w...

September 11, 2019

5 key things to get right when starting a business.

Starting your own business is a BIG leap of faith. Will you find any customers? Will you make enough income? These are questions that any founder will ask themselves. We definitely asked ourselves those questions a few years ago.But with the right planning, preparation and support, you can set the best possible foundations for your new enterprise, and take some of the guesswork out of becoming a business owner.Building the right foundationsSo, if you’ve got a great business idea and you’re e...

September 11, 2019 Posts 1-7 of 7 | Page